I love the new “Touch the Pickle” advertisement of Whisper Ultra.I believe it took thousands of years for our society to reach here.As a kid and even today I used to think that why a girl is abhorred during mensuration why is she outcasted when she should be adored most,why is she kept out of kitchen and worship places.What’s wrong in there ? I absolutely see no reason to it.Isn’t it a natural phenomenon and the most necessary one to keep up the pace of this Universe
It is kind of imbibed from our childhood and we follow it blindly or out of a scared mind or to please someone or to avoid turbulence in the family or to follow a family legacy.Even today I see families where in husbands cook during those days compulsorily.Some of my friends too argued that whats wrong if we want to provide some relief to our wives.I absolutely have no problems there but in most of the cases it’s not happening for providing special care but it is actually happening to follow a long legacy.My mother followed this and my wife has to follow.I absolutely abhor the very “has to follow” attitude of our society .To work in the kitchen or not to work should be the girl’s decision, if she is feeling good and may be she wants to cook for herself,will she be even be allowed to do so.But this is not the scenario any where.
The same weird behaviour is again visible after child delivery.The people who visit the new mother and baby in the initial 10 days take bath afterwards.The whole house including the linen is washed throughly on 10th day.The mother and her newborn child is considered impure for 10 days.For me giving birth is a painful as well as the most cherishing experience for any woman.These kind of traditions not only spoil the very mood of goodness but they actually corrupt the mindset of the new mom to learn and follow this legacy.
I don’t even believe that any God would hate or curse a girl if she enters the temple during those days especially when we have some of our temples where deities also face the same condition and those are some of the very famous temples of India for example Chenagnoor mahadev temple in Kerala and Kamakya in Assam infact the very tainted cloth of deity is considered auspicious.Why such double standards with humans then ?
It is like when Lord Krishna eloped with Rukmini and got married it comes in our bhajans it is praised but when a poor couple does this society outcast them.
I totally believe that it is time that we rethink over our legacies and traditions all over again.The most important part of the whole scenario is the “Woman” herself and her dignity.It is high time that our society should start accepting her individuality.If we talk about and strive towards scientific advancements then why can’t we work about the amendments and upliftments of our traditions.